College and Workforce Training Funding and Support
Kapiʻolani Community College in partnership with the State of Hawai‘i Department of Human Services has created a new program to deliver assistance and support for college and workforce training. The SNAP Employment and Training program is a federally funded program that is designed to help remove barriers and provide students with access to education and skills training opportunities so they can earn a living wage and achieve financial independence. At Kapiʻolani Community College it is called HINET Ho‘ola Ike (gift of knowledge) program.
Have a look at hinethawaii.org
Please allow approximately 6-8 weeks for your application to process before the start of the semester.
Are You Eligible?
- Currently receiving or eligible to receive SNAP through Dept. of Human Services (DHS)
- Enrolled in a vocational, professional technical non-transfer degree or certificate program
- Enrolled in Kapi‘olani Community College at a minimum of 6 credit hours (part-time) or in an approved non-credit workforce training program
- Not receiving TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)
- You meet the following income guidelines:
Household size of 1 should not exceed 200% monthly gross income $2,328.
Household size of 2 should not exceed 200% monthly gross income $3,156.
Household size of 3 should not exceed 200% monthly gross income $3,984.
Household size of 4 should not exceed 200% monthly gross income $4,812.
Household size of 2 should not exceed 200% monthly gross income $3,156.
Household size of 3 should not exceed 200% monthly gross income $3,984.
Household size of 4 should not exceed 200% monthly gross income $4,812.
Students who qualify for the HINET Program may be eligible to receive:
- Assistance with books and mandatory fees (pending the availability of funds)
- Service Learning
- Workforce Training
- Educational Advising, Academic Coaching and Personal Support
- Support services
How To Apply
Three ways to apply.
1) ONLINE using “Quick Application” form below.
2) CALL the office at (808) 734-9341 to make an appointment.
3) MAKE AN APPOINTMENT to receive assistance with completing the application form.
2) CALL the office at (808) 734-9341 to make an appointment.
3) MAKE AN APPOINTMENT to receive assistance with completing the application form.
If you are uncertain if you qualify, call (808) 734-9341 for more information.